Deed #23 – Celebrating 30 Years Helping Needy Brentwood Elementary School Families
Sue Hammersley, the wife of our Partner/Shareholder Philip Hammersley, started a holiday sharing project in 1989 to provide outreach to needy Brentwood Elementary School families involving families of the Lakes neighborhood in hopes to make a difference.
Brentwood Elementary’s principal discreetly chooses families each year who are trying hard but experiencing financial problems. In the true spirit of holiday magic, the families do not know who is giving the gifts and those involved in this charity do not know the families, except for sizes and wish lists. The Lakes neighborhood has raised $125,400 and provided 248 families with 672 children wish list items such as school supplies, food, clothing and toys since they first began.
Norton Hammersley is proud to make a monetary donation to Sue Hammersley and her charity to help the families in need this Holiday Season. We would also like to congratulate Sue Hammersley on her upcoming 30th year and the difference she and her charity have made to the Brentwood families throughout the years.